Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Plan (original) 9-22-08 pages 10-13 flyer +

Our legislature will be in session this January 20, 2009 with up to

Based on an est. 300,000 housing units statewide: urban = 240,000 & rural = 60,000
Registered est. 430,000 Pass Autos statewide : =370,000 = 60,000
items amount
--10 Solar Electric Panels @ $ 300. Ea /per Dwelling X 300,000 = = = = = $ 1 Billion Dollars --1 one Electric -- Vehicle (or PHEV) @ $15,000. Ea X 200,000 dwellings = $ 3 Billion Dollars
--High Schools, + 5 local schools, + 5 colleges, for 5 years + Statewide video Net training
for existing Vehicle Conversion and Maintenance to Air, Electric, H2o, Hybrid,
HICE, and PHEV designs. = = = = = = = = = = $ 100 Million Dollars
--Total Home Power usage meters @ $200.oo ea p/dwelling = = = = = = = $ 60 Million Dollars --150+ Mini and Micro Hydro electric river, current, tidal, & geo Generation power plants
@ 1MW per 100 all electric Housing units into 300,000 hu = 3,000 MW X $ 2,000,000.oo p/MW = = = = = = = = = = = = = $ 6 Billion Dollars --Home Miniature Windauer Wind Towers @ $ 500.oo ea p/dwelling = = = $ 150 Million Dollars
--Home Strg Tanks- H2, Natural Gas, Air, etc -3-tanks @ $300.p/grp p/ dwelling == $ 90 Million Dollars
--Greenhouses 20’ x 20’ package (uninstalled) @ $2,000.oo ea p/dwelling = == = = = == = $ 600 Million Dollars
--1,500 Gal Water Tank (plastic) @ $1,500.oo ea p/dwelling = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = $ 450 Million Dollars --Home Refueling Stations for air, solar, hydrogen, nat gas,
Estimated Price $ 3,000.oo ea p/dwelling = = = = = = = = = = = $ 900 Million Dollars
--10 State Comm. Refueling Stations - Batt, Hydrogen, Electric, Air @ $1 million ea = = = = = = = = = $ 10 Million Dollars
11 ITEMS = (cost to be home/auto energy $ free) TOTAL $ 12.5 Billion Dollars

Go to WWW.___________________._____ and vote; or suggest what our money should be spent for. (My money for, energy , home, family, water, electric vehicles, society, for my freedoms, and for my Alaska) OR: E-Mail contact OR Call 907-_________-___________ and volunteer to help us build a new energy based society for all of Alaska.

Note: See website to vote, register for best energy ideas prizes, suggestions, comments, FAQs, donations, rewards, and adjustments for citizenship qualifications, ages, vehicle types, and other details! ( blog on commercial needs, intertie lines, Industry, coal plants, crooked politicians, tax losses, fuel prices, etc.)
Lets cut the Bull; We own our electrical and water based “Life Essential Energies”; They belong to each of us! So, why pay $$ to outsider companies and their political, regulatory and media servants? Lets build our own Electricity Plants, and go to all electric cars and Homes- Now! Lets Stand up for residential home energy ownership-- Vote on line. Now!
Call 907-_________-___________ Web WWW. .____ E-mail @ .com
---Our appointed and elected leaders first priority and obligation over all other expenditures, is to secure a reasonable amount of energy for us and for our homes, so we that may live as a free people and an orderly society in a “Quality of Life” community!

---We as a collective society are obligated to each other to secure our “Life Essential Energy Needs” in responsible amounts annually for our homes and families as a fundamental right. ( clean air, water, energy for our dwelling along with transportation to and from)

--Many of our political and community leaders are either isolated, obligated, addicted, clueless, secretive, double dipping-part timer representatives, elitists, corrupted, or intimidated by feeding off of our public owned resources used for ENERGY REVENUES !

---We must define and prioritize our residential energy needs, uses, generation, transmission, distribution, and management as a separate and stand alone sector. Our residential energies must become local, good, GOD green, harmonic, free and Individual Freedom means based.
We need to have an agreed to and responsible annual electricity and water based energy allotment per dwelling at nearly no charge or cost.

---- let the commercial, institutional, industrial, military, feedstock producer corporations, and power generation energy sectors fend for themselves in a true free enterprise market; And stop revenue feeding on our residential homes and dwelling energy needs.

--If our current public leadership continues to be irresponsible and unresponsive to the
development and ownership of our home residential “Life Essential Energy Needs” of our families;
Then our only immediate recourse is to, neighbor by neighbor and block by block refuse to pay any/all Electricity and Nat Gas, Utility bills!
Including, our residential transportation fuels needed for travel to and from our homes by our families.

---Our residential energy, which belongs to us as a society and as a fundamental necessity, is suppose to make us a more free neighbor in our home; Our home energy needs are Not supposed to economically enslave us for the benefit of some economic investment plan for a few visionless, and sweat less groups, corporations or individuals!


Ev/plug-in,Mitsubishi, usa one of many EV and other harmonic fuel vehicles in 2009 - 10
www.evworld.com PHEV, EV, HICE, FUEL CELL, H2o, air cars, read archives
Many, many new Electricity and water based vehicles coming
www.youtube.com plug in: 2008 (many speakers and panels on new transportations)
plug in: What role for Washington? + ( 1,000 mile rng air cars ? )
www.google.com Toyota Prius project (recharge it.com)
www.gm-volt.com true all electric drive? 40 mile range then small charging motor runs
www.smw.com surface water electricity and hydrogen gen (no subsurface ice flows)
A new age energy based society – “genesis"

Its been a long time a commin; But; We got it – and We do get it!
In order for us to be a truly free people, along with our loved ones and families in ours and our neighbors home; we must never again be obligated to another country, company, person, or entity in any way, in order to secure our “Life Essential Energy Needs”!
We get it; We now understand,, In order for our families, neighborhoods, communities, and societies to have “social and economic stability” and a “quality of life”, we must have,, our owed and obligated to each other, “life essential energy needs” made available in reasonable and agreed to amounts to our residential sector annually at no charge!
After long reflections and many, many painful hardships of “energy by greed” management experiences, we now, can come to no other conclusion or resolution.

And to those who call us, our loved ones, our families and homeowners names like; socialists, commies, free loaders, anti business, anti free enterprisers, free lunchers, want something for nothing, lazy, “It’s a sad day”, “Oil Company Haters”, Pea Brains, etc.,,--,,
( You know who I am talking about; --Those sinister, ignorant, dark sided, blathering, babbling, bullying, and billowing blow horded radio talk show HOSTS who “chase the money at anyones’ expense-)

Well, we as a society united in common benefit and the pursuit of happiness, must recognize those name calling, socially corrupted, predators, parasites, shills, and profit by plundering thieves, disguised as politicians, non-profit bodies, benevolent corporations, and quasi-intelligent or entertaining persons, who use Radio, TV, and Print Media to Broadcast their vile, nasty, lying, baseless, corrupted, spit venom comments, propaganda, crippled commentaries, echo interviews, and “panels of the like minded lacking in thinking”, and their “pound the message formulas” for who and what they are; 0s ! (zeros)
And then we must take them to task and accountability for their role in keeping us an energy subjugated and enslaved people? (boycott, votes cast, ask them to move out? )

Look;, We can no longer set idly aside and indulge the Dark sided thinking and twisted thought voices of those who would discredit and demean our families, us as individuals, or groups, or as a peoples - Simply because it took us so long to realize that our family “life essential energy needs” are obligations we all owe to each other in reasonable and agreed to annual amounts at no charge.
Lets talk to each other about this as a society !
We must unite around each other in quiet groups of protection, understanding, and resolve to:
Expose the corrupt energy greed feeder leaders, corporations, and their lackeys!
NOT PAY for any energy until our leaders become freedom, family energy and fiscally responsible!
Send our gasoline and utility bills to the State Legislature, City Hall, City Council and Exxon.

No wonder our for fathers had a “Boston tea party” and a “revolution” – maybe history does repeat itself !
Where are all of our “YOUNG DOG WARRIORS & Freedom Fighters?
STOP SLAVERY (as) to FEAR ! Stop family and home energy shutoff threats. Now! And stop using our home and transportation energy needs to make money for outsiders and profiteers!

Our only other recourse or direction for us to take, is to divide our society in two distinct cities, camps or schools of thought based on RESIDENTIAL ENERGY NEEDS perspectives;
This division of our society will consist of a “fossil fuel distribution network system” and their economic, moral and other philosophies;
A new harmonic fuels based society in which we will restart and reconstruct our current society into a Residential Energy new age energy based community. This new society will own its own electricity and look to move our homes, transportation, and other sectors to an all electricity and water technology based energies.
In looking to move to a new energy based society we will also recognize long overdue social and economic problems which need stabilizing.
Look, this whole Fossil Fuel Distribution Network System thing has just gone,,,,gone from Greed to BIZZARE, to Macabre, Like some kind of horror sci fi show, where we pay to have someone kill every living creature on the planet, control me and my family, and then kill me too, and then, if you don’t like it they throw you in jail, or they loan me my money back to me to pay to them, and then use my money to kill someone somewhere else, and then those people want to kill me because it was my money which corrupted the politicians to finance the kill, then, they use my money to corrupt the election process …
I am beginning to understand how a monster can be a monster and not know they are a monster…..The Fossil Fuel Network monsters and their servants --- I am beginning to feel like I am a member of a colony or hive – here to serve the fossil fuel castle royalty..
We have danced long enough—What happened to being a free people and our “quality of life” lifestyle? Its time to do something, anything; except what we have been doing!
Authored by: Paul D. Kendall
September 2008
Reflections of a Free American Man who wants his country back; Who wants our America to live up to its promises for our people to be a free people…Truly a Free People !
And in that being so, A Great Nation- Forever ! Alaska can lead the way home,, back to our America we all love and miss, by leading the way in our residential energy awareness’s investment decisions.
END II 9-22-08 flyer

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