5-28-08- Paul D. Kendall --- one housing unit –as an energy package
OVERVIEW of INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL “LIFE ESSENTIAL & MOBILITY ENERGY NEEDS” of one housing unit per year – comparing fuel BTUs conversions
yearly energy use norm yearly for single house unit use p/yr elec nat gas nat g nat g >(gasoline)
1 2 3 4 5 6 gas
kwh mcf cu ft. btu > >>>
ELECTRICITY 8,000 kwh (8,000) kwh 26.6 26,604 27,296,000 (1 kwh=3,412 btu) >220 gal
(1 cf =1,026 btu)
NAT GAS -piped 200 mcf 60,141 kwh (200) 200,000 205,200,000 (1cf= 1,026 btu) >1,654 gal (1mcf=1,000 cf) (1kwh=3,412 btu)
GASOLINE 1,000 gal 36,342 kwh 120.8 120,858 124,000,000 (2.4 gal p/day x 365) >(1,000) gal (1 gal=124,000 btu)
WATER 70,000 gal -------- kwh --------------------------------------------------- ( 80 to 100gal > gal p/day=p/per ?)
GREEN HOUSE ----------------- -kwh--------------------------------------------------
( ) > gal
SEWER-WASTE + trash ------------ ------kwh-------------------------------------------------- =( )
HYDROGEN GEN ---------------- ------------kwh--------------------------------------------------
( ) > gal
TOTALS ---------- ------------ 114,483 kwh ---- 347.4 mcf ------ 356,496,000 btu =
2,874 > gal
*note; These figures are estimates and need adjustment as per electricity gas generation efficiency rates and other considerations. Pdk
** We are looking to define a Model Dwelling of 1,000 sq ft. Formula for an annual energy allotment of Electricity and Water based technology energies..( 20’x20’ greenhouse, 2-car heated garage, tool shed, 1,000 gallon water storage tank, all electric home, single occupancy, 1- electric, air, or hydrogen vehicle)
Date: 5-21-08 Paul D. Kendall, a request to comment! – ---------
Making Alaska an ELECTRICITY ENERGY BASED SOCIETY, where energy abundance, infrastructure, awareness, along with hydrogen and new technologies convergence will determine a nations stability, quality of life, duration of existence, and the degree of freedoms of “individual free will” of its people!
1……. BACKBONE -Massive Statewide Hydroelectric Generation and transmission
a…..Susitna and Chuchama together in phases of ???????
b…..150 projects, wave, tidal, current, geo thermal, wind, hydrogen, etc.
2…….Immediate conversion of our Residential Sector to all electric - including
Transportation, water, and food processing energy needs by various private
market incentives
a….2002 census = 260,460 hu > 300,000 housing units now > 500,000 H Us
b…100,000,000,000 kwh capacity for complete Residential Conversions
c…..electricity in = nat gas and gasoline out //// Electricity = $$ into our pockets
d…..usher in full blown new technologies
3…….Prepare Alaska for today’s new world, where a nations energy abundance will
determine its peoples fate for many years to come---The magnetic fields and
hydrogen molecule new energies future technologies must be our gift to our
children. It is the only viable future !
This new future, will in essence, connect them to both “the planet Earth and the
abundance of life in the Galaxies”
4……A world renown Electrical and Hydrogen Energy Center—Scientific
research laboratory and development archives, institute, and repository
5…..Alaska Railroad must be expanded
The New Age is Here- If it moves, electrify it up!
The Father and Mother fuels of Magnetic Fields (electricity) Hydrogen (water)
My Conflicts of Interests –
No such thing as “WATER”
Masters of the Universe—Magnetic Fields and Hydrogen Atoms
Hydrogen Gas Production Cost is immaterial—Alaska can produce for 100 years
A book --Neil Davis “ ENERGY ALASKA” 1984
A study--“Hydrogen use in Alaska” 1981, 241 pgs
The simplicity of Electricity & H v.s. Fossil Fuels
Time is of the essence; We must move at light speed! (smartly & responsibly)
We as Alaskans, must come together as one people in our understanding of energy; we must understand that “true free enterprise” is a result of a stable and viable
society, not the result of an economically plundered, overpopulated, confused, predatory, kept, or parasitical society!
And all societies come from the Single Family Home Ownership and a(rental) !!!
The amenities, essential services, schools, roads, utilities, taxes, banks, sexual identities, organized religions, entertainment, values, work values, relationships, hospitals, libraries, free enterprise systems, all commerce, governments, etc.
AND, before you can get to HOME /rental dwellings,, you have to have the “Life Essential Energy Needs” energies –clean air, clean water, clean energy! Period!
Energy is power! Clean and Harmonious Energy is life’s power!
You do not, do not,, want to be “”fossil fuel energy generation dependant”” when new energy technologies are coming into play!
Unless you are in a sole ownership, up close and personal contact with the physical source of that fossil fuel--even then ?
“The fossil fuel distribution network system, and associates” will be in a financially speaking, “circular pillaging stance” while in pursuit of replacement incomes from lost or dropped users revenues!
The fossil fuel feedstock’s price, availability, delivery and overall accountability to the “fossil fuel dependant users” will be from suspect to volatile, to non existent! One gasping moment after another of uncertainty.!
Ladies and Gentlemen, The whole world is looking at ENERGY; ALL ENERGIES! I am not absolutely sure where we are headed, but we are never going back to where we were; except for HYDRO ELECTRIC, and I expect we will be going there with an attitude!
Alaska’s time has come to be an energy powerhouse! But, will the leaders of Alaska
make this happen ? I would think Chugach Electric would be leading the way!
Thank You,
Paul D. Kendall
Msg land line 907-222-7882
Cell now 907-884-2424
E-mail pauldkendall@yahoo.com
New Date: 8-12-08 Tuesday-Edited
Date: 7-17-08 Thursday (Fai Coal Meet)
To Fairbanks Real Alaskans,
From: Paul D. Kendall ( Will Free )
Please consider my oppositions to your local leaders energy decisions that would, technologically, environmentally, spiritually, and economically disempower, mame and enslave, you, your children and your peoples by the means of a dark sided, and death oriented "wedge fossil fuel" called Coal..
Look, I thought we all got the message; Finally!
The message is, we now realize we will never really be a free people until we secure our "Life Essential Energy Needs" in reasonable amounts for each other, along with our loved ones, and our dwellings.
( AGIA is to secure Alaskans short term jobs and our future fossil fuel revenues from those outside of Alaska who will be stuck on fossil fuels, while we developed our vast renewable low cost Electric and Water based hydro-xygens fuels for our homes and families)
Never again were we supposed to be an economically subjugated and enslaved peoples, toiling in the fields of unfair laws, rules, labors and taxes and fees "so as to maintain the petty stock portfolios profits of a few", because those few investors didn't want to work hard, or sweat too much.. or felt they were the chosen and entitled; As opposed to being true free enterprisers...
I pray your people will not fall to the Dark Side of the Energy Merchants.
For much too long now, you have been such a more deserving "Great Peoples of the North"; It is past the time for your energy ownership; And I suggest to you that your new energy ownership should be made "of new and exciting opportunities", "of things to behold", "the stuff that dreams are made of", energies of the children's interests and future; The stuff that sustains all living plants, creatures, and life forms; Including our own and the known universe!
I speak of Harmonic Fuels which sustains both our existence and endeavors while in harmony with life's cycles of creation. Those HARMONIC FUELS are magnetic fields and hydro-xygens; Or, electricity and water based fuels, energies and technologies...
The whole world is tooling and tinkering up harmonic fuels, and headed to Alaska, the new and next Great Energy Frontier of Hydroelectric and Hydro-xygens energy developments, which portend of more personal Individual Free Will and freedoms when combined with our residential dwellings..
I sense we are morphing into a new and better home energy based society; And you, the real Alaskans, have become the front lines of our struggle to become this new energy based society evolution.
I as an older warrior who has seen several energy battles, am saddened that you stand alone in struggle against the dark forces of the Coal and Fossil Fuel Marketers.
Who would have thought this struggle would start in Fairbanks?
I thought it started here in Anchorage with the announcement by Mayor Begich of a new Gas Fired Generation Power Plant; Instead, it appears the Coal and Gas Fired Energy Marketers have opened two fronts;
One location with heavy political influence in Anchorage for Natural Gas and the other by Coal in energy challenged Fairbanks.. Hmmmm.. (with trucks coming and going daily to and from ANS fields)
We are recycling to a new society; An all electric and water based home energy society.
And I for one, and on behalf of one man only, will damn sure give you my share, of my energy fund and other Alaska funds that give me freedom, to you and your children so that you will not be an enslaved by coal energy peoples;
Fairbanks has and will always have a warm home in my heart; (To this day still, i have loved your big hearts and rugged freedom filled spirits) I left a piece of my heart there many years ago, of which "my piece left, space" continues to make me think warm and freedom loving thoughts;
You Fairbanks people, who so love your individual freedoms, did that to me; So, maybe, in this small way of comments, i can pay you back for what you gave me; which was a wonderful feeling of knowing real people who not only loved their individual freedoms, but their neighbors individual freedoms equally, as well, !
In my book, a freedom given, is a freedom owed, and i gladly give back to you which you gave to me; which forever changed me.. "The love of individual freedoms" , And how could living life be any other way ?
Please choose your "Life Essential Energy Needs" energy ownership for your homes to be "Harmonic Fuels for your children's future fuel streams"; They are here Now!
Paul D. Kendall
land line msg 907-222-7882
Now cell, 884-2424 E-mail pauldkendall@yahoo.com
You should understand that most of my energy comments and concerns are to be applied to Residential / Housing Units or Dwellings.
It is from our individual shelters which all societies are derived and maintained. ( we must move our homes to all electricity and water based technologies including electric, air, water transportation, greenhouse attachments and water needs; As well as move to an annual all electric home energy allotment formula)
It is in our dwellings that each of us seeks solitude, safety, love, birth, healing, values, sharing, and many, many other individual freedoms.
It is your "Life Essential Energy Needs" secure neighbor who grows us most of the things we love and share... And in that growth from neighbors to neighborhoods, to communities, cities, etc.,, we in our energy secure dwellings/homes afford many opportunities to those;
who seek endeavors of personal, corporate, company, or intellectual prosperity and other pursuits like: Free Enterprise, Commerce, Libraries, Hospitals, Banking, Schools, Universities, Bureaucracies, Religions, Law Enforcement, Laws, Taxes, Essential Services, Roads......etc, etc,
(And; I am still trying to figure out how we conveyed our ownership of our GOD GIVEN Life Sustaining Essential Energy Needs resources that we all have to have for our homes and to live, to some corporation so as to be, an "at will economically plucked, plundered, parasited, and profiteered upon while in our homes, peoples".)
Paul D. Kendall
One billion dollars in Alaska =
1B -- @ $300.oo ea = 11 solar panels on every housing unit in Alaska with a 20 year life span( 300,000 housing units statewide?)
1B-- An electric vehicle paid for in every driveway of every housing unit in Anchorage Area( 100,000 dwellings in Anchorage area) charged at night off peak or solar panels.
100,000 EV saving 1,000 gallons of gas per year
= 100,000,000 gallons of gasoline at $3.00 p/gal= $300,000,000.oo staying in Alaska.. and the saved oil and gas goes out to earn us money
And the BENZINE levels ?? Ms Sellkreg ??
You see, for around $15 billion we could be a totally free and very wealthy people - within 6 years ! We being us, our children and their children !
Look up:
Slow Moving Water.com
BMW hice hydrogen engine-now
Ford HICE shuttle buses & BP partnership ( hydrogen gas busses)
MIT, Danial Nocera: Catalytic Electrolysis
EV World (read all articles/archived)
Honda Clarity FCX fuel cell vehicle
GMC VOLT electric hybrid ( watch video with children ) BMW ev, Chinas’ Miles ev,
CNN.com 106 mpg “air car”
I am not sure your ready for these; There are many journeys in process at this time and sometimes we have to open up to new views and possibilities
Look up on U-tube videos;
Christian lion hug – the full story (HQ) tad manly
NASA TETHER breakaway & cameras look back -ufo-sts 75
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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